The Philippine gaming regulator, Pagcor, is targeting the identification of a “joint venture partner” for its upcoming online casino platform,, through a formal procurement process by late Q1 or early Q2 of 2025. If all goes as planned, the platform could launch as early as the second quarter of the year, according to Alejandro Tengco, Pagcor’s chairman and CEO.
During an event in Macau organized by LT Game Ltd., Mr. Tengco outlined the timeline, stating, “We can begin the full-scale procurement process in January and make an announcement toward the end of the first quarter or early in the second.” He emphasized that a competitive bidding process is essential, remarking, “You cannot just award [the partnership] without going through procurement.”
Mr. Tengco explained that the online casino will offer a diverse range of products, including live slots and RNG-based games, such as electronic table games. Additionally, the platform will feature live-streamed studio baccarat and other games, promising a comprehensive gaming experience for users.
The concept for was initially introduced in July 2023, with aspirations for a Q1 2024 launch. However, the timeline has since shifted multiple times. Similarly, plans to sell the land-based Casino Filipino chain, once expected to raise PHP80 billion (approximately USD 1.36 billion), have been delayed. By September 2023, Mr. Tengco adjusted the expected revenue from the sale to PHP50 billion, citing the need to revise Pagcor’s charter and upgrade gaming equipment at existing venues. The sale process is now projected to begin in 2026.
While the timeline for has seen adjustments, Pagcor remains committed to its vision of establishing a dynamic online gaming presence, enhancing its offerings, and adapting to industry challenges.